I'm blocking dates on Airbnb but they do not show on Houfy?
Please make sure you have your Airbnb calendar synced into Houfy.
Log into Airbnb.
To export the Airbnb calendar:
- On airbnb.com go to Host and select Listings > Select Listing
- Select Calendar and Click Availability settings
- Scroll down to Sync calendars, select Export Calendar and copy URL.
- Paste the Airbnb URL into the Calendar address (URL) field at Import at Houfy.
- Name your calendar. (Airbnb)
- Click Import calendar.
Log into Houfy.
To import a calendar into Houfy:
- Menu and select Manage Listings.
- Select calendar of the listing you wish to update
- Click Import calendar
- Paste the copied Airbnb Calendar URL
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How to export Houfy calendar to other websites?
Go to Manage listings > Click on calendar Click on Export button Click on Copy button at the first option of export calendar
How do you change the color of an iCal import?
Go to Edit listing > Calendar Click on ICAL to edit it Change color of the ICAL Click save to save the changes.
How to block the dates on Houfy?
To block the dates on Houfy please follow below steps
How do I add calendar pricing?
Please follow below steps to update price in the calendar directly.
How do I unblock the dates on Houfy when using Airbnb connection?
Please follow the below steps to unlock the dates on Houfy with Airbnb connection.
How to get Houfy calendar ICS link?
To import Houfy reservations into Airbnb/VRBO/Others please follow below steps:
Calendar synchronization with Houfy
If you list your place on Houfy and other websites, you can prevent multiple guests from booking the same dates by syncing your Houfy calendar with your other calendars.
What is Calendar Sync?
Calendar sync is a way to integrate your calendar with other calendars to update all or some of the calendar data automatically.
Help with Calendars
Frequently asked questions about calendars
How do I export my VRBO Calendar into Houfy Calendar?
To export your reservation calendar from Vrbo, follow these steps:
How do I sync my Airbnb calendar with my Houfy calendar?
The proper way to synchronize takes 2 steps: Export your Airbnb calendar, import into Houfy and Export your Houfy calendar and import into Airbnb.
How often does the ical get synced in Houfy
Houfy is programmed to synchronize every 3 hours. This means Houfy pulls in new data from other calendars every 3 hours.
What is a calendar hard sync or manual sync?
A "hard" or "manual" sync is performed when you want to sync your calendar before the regular interval time.
How can I manually sync or do a hard sync on Houfy?
You can do a hard sync when you get a booking. It's up to Airbnb or VRBO to pull in Houfy's new calendar info. So you should find out how often Airbnb or VRBO "syncs" with other sites. It is our understanding Airbnb syncs every 2 hrs and VRBO up to 6 hrs.
How do I unsync or remove a calendar from another site?
Please review the instructions below:
When would a host use calendar pricing?
Calendar pricing removes the need to edit the beginning/end dates of each season. By using calendar pricing, you can leave the seasonal rates alone, and just override any rates/minimum night stays.
How to create or share a special calendar rate/offer on Houfy?
Sometimes you'd like to offer a last minute discount on specific dates, or a special rate for a repeat guest. Maybe you just want to provide a quote. You can easily do this by sending the person a special offer.
How to create a rule set in the calendar?
Please select menu > Manage Listings. Select the listing you want to remove the co-host, and then click Edit. Click Calendar from the left menu and click on any dates.
How to apply a nightly percentage discount on Houfy
If you have a last minute opening or cancellation, share a discount offer such as 10% off the nightly rate. Or, use the feature to send returning guests a discount. Ex: 5% off next visit.
Is it possible to get the calendar to start on a Monday.
Yes. Please review the instructions below:
Change minimum stay in the calendar
On Desktop/laptop: Please select menu > Manage Listings Select the listing you want to change, and then click Calendar. Click on any date or the date you want to change the minimum stay.
How do I color code imported reservations?
Yes this is possible. Please follow the instructions below:
How to not allow same day booking
This post explains how to not allow same day booking on Houfy
What is a booking cut-off date?
A booking cut-off date is the furthest date in the future that you want to accept bookings
Where do I edit or change my booking cut-off date?
The booking cut-off date prevents travelers from booking your property after a specific date. This is helpful for those who may not want bookings far in advance, or for those who haven't set next year's rates yet.
How can I change my booking cut off date?
You can easily change the booking cut off date by going to:
How do I block my calendar
What does “blocking dates” mean? A blocked date is a date, or period, that you have set to prevent a guest to book dates.
How can I block calendar dates on other sites but leave them open on Houfy.
Houfy offers two import options: Reservations Only and Everything EX: if you block dates on XXXX platform, but want them to remain bookable on Houfy, select to import "Only Reservations" instead of "Everything."
My Houfy calendar shows dates blocked. How do I open them up?
Go to edit listing and select Calendar. Select a date where your calendar is blocked and click on the colored bar. Review the source on the left side.
How do I remove blocked dates on my calendar?
If the calendar block was created on Houfy and not an imported block by calendar sync then follow these steps:
Remove blocked dates or an added booking from your calendar
To remove blocked dates or added booking on Houfy follow the below steps:
Export all reservations from Houfy
Most travel sites export current and future reservations in the export link, to export all past reservations on Houfy follow the below article.
I received a Houfy booking but it did not update on my VRBO calendar.
Please make sure you have your Houfy calendar synced into VRBO
I'm blocking dates on VRBO but they do not show on Houfy?
Please make sure you have VRBO synced into Houfy.
Clear your calendar pricing
Go to Listings and click the listing you want to change Click Calendar from the left menu and click Clear pricing Click on Clear Pricing again to confirm the removal of prices.