Simple & Unbeatable Pricing
15,000+ hosts worldwide count on Houfy for their hosting needs.
Booking fee of 0%
Commissions of 0%
Instant Payments to your Stripe or Square account
Calendar Ical synchronisation with Airbnb & VRBO and others
Unlimited photos
Host verification badge
Custom quotes
Customizable rental agreement
Text on receiving a message on Houfy
Scheduled messages
Share links in the Houfy messaging
Custom links
Add co-hosts (requires host verification)
Pricelabs connection
Host Tools Connection
Hospitable Connection
Hostaway Connection
Hostify Connection(Coming soon)
Import Airbnb pricing & Sync Calendar
It does not work with smart pricing enabled on Airbnb.
Higher position in search results
Ownerrez Connection
Option to hide price comparison
Hide nearby listings on the listing page
Show external links on your Houfy listing
Show email/phone number on the listing page
Option to remove ads
Guest screening from Superhog
Widgets to include on your own website.
Fully customizable single/multi rental website builder tools
Connect multiple external domains
Free SSL certificate for each domain