Why is my price comparison not working on Houfy?

For price comparison to show on your listing, you must have an active Airbnb/VRBO/Homeaway url added to Houfy.

There are several reasons why the price comparison might not be working:

1) Your dates are blocked on VRBO or Airbnb and available on Houfy. Make sure you correctly syncronized your calendars.

2) Your have hidden or removed your Airbnb and or VRBO listing for their platforms. Please re-activate them or remove the url's at Houfy:

  • Edit listing > Reviews
  • Edit listing > Settings >Contact
  • Edit listing > Verifications

3) You have not added your Airbnb or VRBO url to Houfy at:

  • Edit listing > Reviews
  • Edit listing > Settings >Contact
  • Edit listing > Verifications

4) Make sure you have not added short URLs. It does not work if you add short URLs like "airbnb.com/h/abcd", you must have an URL with listing # like airbnb.com/rooms/1212313123

Remove inactive URLs from your edit listing and add the correct URL at any of the 3 places mentioned above.

Note: Price comparison shows after you select check-in and check-out dates.

Here more information on how to find your Airbnb url or VRBO url.

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