Pricing at Houfy and frequently asked questions

HOUFY is a free advertising platform for hosts using the free features. Houfy does require a host verification fee from all hosts. Hosts who use lite or premium features are required to pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee.

Frequently Asked Questions:

"I'm debating whether to keep the free listings or delist my properties on Houfy. I have 3 listings. I would like to confirm that the 1 time host verification fee is for all 3 of my listings or will I have to pay this fee for each listing?"
NO: The host verification fee is a 1 time fee per host ,not per listing. You can list as many listings as you want. The fee will be for 1 time currently set at $5.99.
What do Basic Features Include?
What do Lite features include?
What is included in Premium?
  • Includes Free + Lite
  • Super powerful Houfy Website builder tools (To view examples: click here)
  • Use of all our widgets & embed tools
  • Free SSL Certificate for each domain
  • Connect multiple external domains
Houfy also offers its members to create featured listings and offer last minute specials.

Featured listings or last minute specials significantly increase your chances to be seen. You can expect to pay around $1.50 a day depending on your location.

  • Your listing will be highlighted in another color that stands out.
  • Your listing will be shown at the top of the search results as well as being amongst all the other properties, meaning double exposure!
  • Featured listings and last minute specials improve attention and click-throughs by 50%.
  • Chances to be seen on our homepage and/or destination pages if available.

To add your listing from Airbnb use this link:

Pricing at Houfy and frequently asked questions
Backup & sync your listing(s) in 10 SEC into the Houfy Network | HOUFY
Houfy has created a simple tool to create a backup of your listing including pictures and reviews. You never know!

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