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Susan mins read

Hero's Welcome is a general store and deli. Popular sandwiches include the "Norman Rockwell" and the "Dewey". The store is a quick bicycle ride from The Green Cottage in Grand Isle, Vermont. You can choose to travel the 4+ miles by boat too. We usually take our orders to the lakeside picnic area to enjoy food and view.

On your first visit to the store, plan on spending at least an hour to walk through all the buildings and all the floors to see all of the eclectic things they sell. You'll find everything from tea strainers to kayaks for sale. You might want to spend even a little more time in their upstairs reading nook.

Hero's Welcome is located in the Champlain Islands town of North Hero and is right on City Bay.

Here's my post about my bike trip to the store when I just had to have one of their delicious and satisfying wrapped sandwiches.

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