Western NC Wagon Train

Western NC Wagon Train

Andrews, NC - Western NC Wagon Train - Here's your chance to experience an old-fashioned wagon train complete with buckboards, covered wagons, teamsters and their teams of horses and mules. The Wagon Train brings together cowboys, pioneers and their stock to recreate la time when life in rural America was hoof-powered. One of the largest gatherings of horse-and-wagon enthusiasts east of the Mississippi, the annual Western NC Wagon Train in Andrews, NC is one of the highlights of the summer here in #ourlittlecornerofthemountains.

Linda0 mins read
Western NC Wagon Train
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Western NC Wagon Train
Andrews NC - Western NC Wagon Train
Western NC Wagon TrainThe Western NC Wagon Train gets under way on June 29 with a gathering that takes place near Andrews, NC. For 60 years the WNC Wagon Train has grown into a tradition of family and friends gathering to enjoy a week of riding, reminiscing, and having fun.For more, visit http://www.wncwagontrainnc.com.



Blackwell Branch Cabin

3 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms

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