Thanksgiving has come and gone for another year, and although many individuals are still trying to recover from the pandemonium surrounding Black Friday and Cyber Monday, approximately 90% of Americans are getting ready to celebrate Christmas. Between deciding who to invite for Christmas lunch, putting up decorations, drawing up a festive menu, and buying gifts for family and friends, chances are you are starting to feel somewhat exhausted and doubting whether you have the will to make it through the rest of the festive season in one piece. Luckily all hope is not lost, as you need little more than a few basic tips to help you survive the rest of the holiday season.

Replenish your energy frequently

If you want to survive the holidays, you are going to have to keep your energy levels constant. The best way to achieve this is to eat a lot of nutrient-dense foods and to make sure you get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep a night. While it may be difficult to eat healthy when there is an abundance of tasty treats, aim to consume at least one wholesome meal a day. It may also be a good idea to invest in a quality multi-vitamin during this period to give your health and well-being a welcome boost.

Catch up on your Christmas movies

If the mere thought of venturing outside is giving you the chills, it may be a good idea to spend a day lounging in front of the new television you got in a Black Friday sale, indulging all the Christmas movies you can you lay your eyes on. Hallmark never disappoints with their almost-endless selection of festive films that are suitable for all ages. Spending time watching wholesome movies, even when away at your holiday rental,  is a great stress-buster and will give the family the ideal opportunity to bond over classics such as Home Alone, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and It’s a Wonderful Life.   

Plan in advance

Procrastination has lead to much anxiety and stress over the holiday period.  Don’t wait until the last minute to complete your Christmas purchases. You can start buying Christmas presents at any time during the year, not only ensuring you are not rushing off to the stores in the days leading up to Christmas, but also spreading the financial obligations over a couple of months instead of just one. Try to have all your shopping done by December 22 so that you can also sit back, relax and enjoy some of the annual merriment.

Christmas is a day meant to be spent with family and loved ones, enjoying each other’s company, eating good food, and making special memories. Take heed of the tips above and don’t allow your anxiety and frustrations to ruin an otherwise very merry Christmas.

Credit: Freelance writer: Jane Jessop

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