"The Crazy Houfy owner/CEO"

There was a post earlier today about groups on Facebook deleting Houfy comments/posts..

Just FYI: Swapnil and I work non stop on Houfy, every day, day by day, every week, month.. and we try to make Houfy better and better as time goes by.

Our sole mission is to help owners/hosts Book Direct! We created website building tools/widgets and much more. We listen to YOU and need to make Houfy the best Direct Booking marketplace (network) available.

Of course there are problems, little issues, which we try to fix the moment we see them.

Right now: Today & for all of November and December: we are upgrading our back-end system & in December fixing any errors we might see.

January 1, 2023: Houfy should be running “perfectly”.. (80% - for what I see.. 95+% for what you, hosts see..)

It is understandable that in some of these Facebook Groups Houfy is NOT liked. WHY?

I am an annoying person! I am crazy! Our program is trash! Hosts using Houfy are not nice.. It’s all OK.. Swapnil and I can handle these comments as we do not see them. (We actually do not have time to look at these groups/comments/posts etc.)

OK - Who am I? I’m married, happily since 1999, have 3 kids (21/16,14), speak 4 different languages, lived in 5 different counties with different cultures and LOVE this project HOUFY. (Oh.. I am American, born in New York, lived in the US for nearly half of my life + I am Dutch..)

Am I annoying? Yes, maybe for some people.

Am I crazy? Hmm.. Some of my close friends say Yes..

Do I “know” any of the “industry professionals/ Group admins/ Guru’s in the industry? NO..

Why not? I simply have nothing to say, nor do I have nothing to SELL and this is why I might have nothing to say..

I have written on Facebook some posts in the past, but do I personally know any of these people? NO. I have not attended any industry conferences besides 1 and I am not sure I will do this again.. Why? I have nothing to SELL.. hmm.. and I am too busy trying to fix a problem!!!

I might be just too old for the blah, blah.. Action changes Things, Doing is the way to GO - everything else is just “blah, blah”

Do you own your vacation rental property? Is this an important investment for you? How important? Think please! Think again! Is this asset a large part of your net worth or income? And you are “hosting” this on Airbnb/Expedia = Homeaway/VRBO and “giving away” 10+% of income just like that?? How much time do you spend on this investment- Updates to prices/text/pics? And do you complain about the hidden fees for your IRA or Mutual fund you own? Have you ever checked this? (Yes, I used to be a stockbroker in New York and Miami.. and “know” all about fees..)

Please: to all of you.. Help us at Houfy! Help yourself, help fellow Houfies.. Together as a group we are SUPER powerful! Share your listing with friends, family, past guests - change your Facebook airbnb/vrbo url to Houfy and join this book direct party - we have not even started yet!

I can already tell you 2023 will be quite a game changer for Houfy.. Think please.. what can you do for yourself, what can you do for Houfy and what can you do for fellow Houfy Hosts.. we are all in this game together and with YOU we can change the system of % YOU and YOUR guests are paying. Go out there and share your Houfy listing! What do you have to lose? What does it cost you? Time? (Netfilx Time?/Facebook Time? or other nonsense Time?) Just Share Houfy .. It's Simple and takes a few minutes..

Thx T (And indeed: I must be crazy and annoying to make a website like Houfy.. 📷 I just LOVE IT and I'm SURE we are solving a problem for many of you)

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