Book Your Vacation in Venice Florida – Enjoy “Garden of Wonders”

Venice Florida is the perfect location for a perfect holiday: Miles of pristine beaches, close to shopping and nature parks and cozy cafés, bars and restaurants.

How about planning a stay in November and visit the Venice Chalk Festival November 9-12 with its motto “Garden of Wonders”? From start to finish, you can witness the largest gathering of renowned pavement artists perform using the road surface as a canvas to develop oversized masterpieces in chalk. (

For your stay we recommend our Villa Happy Gator, a 5 star rated vacation home with gorgeous pool area and close to the beach, shopping and nature parks. Contact us and book your favorite time now! Still several openings in 2018.

Birgit, owner Villa Happy Gator in Venice Florida

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Florida Pool Villa Happy Gator

3 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms
5IconIconIconIconIcon102 reviews
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