A Texas History Lesson
How would you like to visit the birthplace of Texas? In 1836 the Texan army led by General Sam Houston surprised the Mexican troops camped here with should of "Remember the Alamo" and Remember Goliad. This key battle would pave the way for Texas Independence from Mexico. The San Jacinto Battleground is 15 minutes of our cottage. It features the San Jacinto monument, towering at 570 feet. It is taller than the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. because, yes, everything is bigger in Texas. For a small fee, you can ride an elevator to the top of the monument for panoramic views of Galveston Bay, Houston and the surrounding communities. The San Jacinto Museum of History is located below the monument. There are multiple of artifacts preserved including uniforms and weapons. The park is 1,200 acres of Texas Gulf Coast landscape. The wildflowers are beautiful in the spring. Visit the Historical Commission's website below to view a calendar of events in the park. If you are visiting in April, look for the reenactment weekend, it is a fun time watching the reenactment of Texas history.

·1 min read