Sand Dollars - Dead or Alive? - Beachcoming Jekyll Island

Sand Dollars - Dead or Alive? - Beachcoming Jekyll Island

Mike And Lara
Mike And Lara0 mins read

Sometimes we walk Jekyll's beaches, but there are days where little things on the beach capture our attention. Making our stroll more leisurely, as we study and perhaps collect a sand dollar from the beach. Here you will learn to tell if the sand dollar is alive, if so please feel free to look but do not take from our beach. Jekyll Sandpiper visitors will soon learn that dead specimens make far better treasures.

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Sand Dollars - Dead or Alive? - Beachcoming Jekyll Island
Sand Dollars - Beachcombing and Shelling on Jekyll Island
Sea Urchins The Sand dollar is a flat member of the sea urchin family. All sea urchins are roughly circular in shape and have a hard skeleton called a test. Live sand dollars have a test covered in velvety, hair-like spins.

by Mike and Lara Morgan

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