Is your Houfy listing verified?

To verify your Houfy listing we require the following:

  1. Uploaded government issued ID
  2. Uploaded utility bill from your property, Insurance statement or copy of the deed
  3. Payment of a 1 time host verification fee

You can additionally add urls from:

  • Add your Airbnb or VRBO url at Menu > Edit listing > Verifications - We do not show these links on your listing, they are ONLY used for verification purposes.
  • Click here to find to find your Vrbo url.
  • Click here to find your Airbnb url.
  • Or: Add your homepage/Facebook/other link where we can match your name.

We do NOT accept links from other Online Travel Agencies for verification purposes..

If you believe you should have been verified, please e-mail us: with your listing number. We might need further information (Latest utility bill or other)

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