What is the address?

N3878 Primrose Ln, Wautoma, WI 54982

No matter which direction you’re coming from, you will end up on Bighorn Ln.

IMPORTANT: GPS may try to route you onto Shady Ln. Don’t do this! The maps are wrong; Shady Ln does not connect to Primrose Ln.

Turn onto Primrose from Bighorn Ln by this big set of signs.

Follow Primrose until you reach the red fire number sign, N3878, and the Talihaven sign, on the right-hand side of the road. If you reach a cul-de-sac, you’ve gone a smidge too far. The garage is by the road and the house is up the hill.

Directions to Talihaven

Please Note: This is a 10° incline. Winter conditions may make this a bit too much for some vehicles, but you can park by the garage and walk up. In the winter we keep a sled by the house for transporting things. The driveway gets plowed when we have 2" of snow accumulation.

Please park on the blacktop or close to the house. The majority of the lawn is a sewer drainage field and it's not good for it to be driven on.

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