Maximize revenue on Houfy: Set strategic rates and fees

Setting the right rates and fees for your Houfy listing is crucial in attracting guests and maximizing your earnings. By effectively understanding and utilizing these features, you can enhance the appeal of your listing and unlock its full revenue potential.

Base Rate
The base rate forms the foundation of your listing's pricing. It represents the standard nightly rate for your property, providing a starting point for all other adjustments. It's imperative to set a competitive and enticing base rate that accurately reflects the value your property offers.

Weekend Surcharges
Weekends often generate higher demand as guests seek quick getaways or leisure time. To leverage this increased interest, Houfy allows you to charge higher rates for weekend stays. Implementing a weekend surcharge enables you to maximize revenue during these peak periods while maintaining a competitive edge.

Minimum and Maximum Stay Requirements
To efficiently manage your property's availability and maximize occupancy, it's important to establish minimum and maximum stay requirements. By specifying the minimum and maximum number of nights guests can book, you can align your property with your desired booking patterns.

Additional Guest Fees
If your property can accommodate more guests beyond a certain capacity, you can opt to charge an additional guest fee. This feature enables you to adjust rates based on the number of guests staying. Implementing this fee allows you to tailor your pricing to different group sizes and dynamics, ensuring fair charges while optimizing your revenue potential.

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