Cleaning people come in to prep beds- strip, wash, remake. They thoroughly clean & disinfect the bathrooms, vacuum and mop all floors, dust, clean & disinfect the kitchen appliances, wash the windows, do the laundry, check the grill, check the woodshed, prepare fireplace, take inventory, .....and prep rooms for the next guests as it was done for you. This takes 3 people anywhere from 3 to 5 hours to do, barring any extensive cleaning needs. We pay a living wage of $25/hour to each person because that is the rate. We do not pass on the full cost of this to you, so picking up, wiping up, and putting things away saves cleaning crew time. Please take any opened food with you. Feel free to leave unopened food and it will either go in the pantry or be donated.

It’s always a good idea to assign someone to various areas. For example, Uncle Stan can be in charge of boats to ensure that they are locked up properly and the oars and jackets are hung up neatly. Have Aunt Betty oversee that all lawn furniture is returned to its original place and that the grill doesn’t have any leftover food on it and is scraped clean.

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