Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!

Hi mom,

Stacey1 min read

I'm having a blast here! You would not believe the delightful surprises I've discovered in the beautiful writers desk I found in the master bedroom at Heartshire Retreat in Surprise, AZ! #houfy #houfyhost

The house was so beautiful!! and the bed was perfectly dreamy! #dreamtofmagicallands

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!

I've added a few shots you might enjoy!

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!

I got to meet the Heartshire Queen of Hearts and we had morning coffee while we chatted about her plans for transforming the backyard into a life size chess board! Wow! I can't wait to see it next year when I come back!

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!

Sheldon Cooper eat your heart out! This is MY spot! It's perfectly situated with a cross breeze from the front door to the back yard door but turned just so as to be favorable to socialization with others while being able to see the TV quite clearly. :-P #bigbangtheory

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!
I got to sleep where the queen has slept! #thequeenslepthere
Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!
Look at that egg! It's bigger than I am!

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!
This is guardian of the Heart of Shire. She speaks in riddles that make no sense. "Fantasy is Reality. Reality is Fantasy"

I'll have to tell you more about it when I return home. Bye for now! #vacay #magical #dreamsarepowerful #TLC4HV2023

PS: The camouflaged dragon told me I "sparkled like morning sunshine." :) #adventuresofSparkyl

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!
Heartshire Retreat in Surprise, AZ - dog friendly - Surprise
This sweet 3 bedroom, in the easternmost part of Surprise, AZ has all the essentials that make for a great place to relax after a nice day of playing golf, hanging out at Lake Pleasant, hiking in White Tanks Regional Park, watching Spring Training baseball at Surprise Stadium or Peoria Sports Complex, visiting family in/around Sun City, Sun City West, Peoria, Glendale, or NW Phoenix.

Sparkyl the teeniest dragon goes on vacation!
Vacation Rentals, Homes, Condominiums & Apartments, for Rent & Sale - HOUFY
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Cute idea about having a mascot, "The Teeniest Dragon".. What made you decide on a dragon and not something else? It got me thinking, what I could use for a mascot for my vacation rentals in Branson Mo. I have seen someone had the 'little art man & woman' doing things similar to the elf on the shelf.

4 years ago

Hi Phylllis, I'm a huge fan of medieval fantasy books and so the house decor was inspired by my love for dragon & fantasy book series. In the dragon groups I belong to on facebook, this little dragon is quite popular so I knew she would be a hit when it came to drawing interest for the readers. Do you have a genre or theme in your vacation rental home that will draw a certain kind of guest?

4 years ago
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