Great things to do in and near Rockaway Beach

Marcy1 min read

I’ve listed some of the most popular below, but there are even more at:

Nearby Breweries:

De Gardo and Pelican Brewing are in Tillamook

Nearby Wineries:

The Winery at Manzanita, 253 Laneda Ave, Manzanita, OR

Nehalem Bay Winery, 34965 OR-53, Nehalem, OR

Buddha Kat Tasting Room , 37 N Edgewood St, Seaside, OR

Pedal rail cars

Oregon Coast Rail Riders—someone built specially designed pedal powered cars to explore the scenery on an inactive portion of the Tillamook Bay Rail Road. It’s a 2 hour, 12 mile round trip from Bay City to Tillamook. Oregon Field Guide on OPB had a special on the activity. Videos and reservations on their website: or you can call 541-786-6165

Oregon Coast Scenic Railroad

Train runs between Rockaway and Garibaldi. Tickets can be purchased on the caboose. Trip is about 1.5 hours along the Tillamook Bay and Oregon Coast. Check the website for schedule and fare prices which vary.


Lake Lytle offers a boat launch and contains trout and bass. Nedonna Lake and White Dove Pond are also stocked with rainbow trout.


Seaview City Park is accessible from N Coral St off N 3rd Ave, covers four city blocks, and includes a playground and basketball court. There’s also a fun pirate-ship playground, fully fenced, at the Wayside downtown—near the big red caboose which is on 101 across from S Nehalem Ave.

Kelly’s Marina

A few miles north of Rockaway, they have boat rentals, dock crabbing, and live seafood for sale. A guest favorite.

Urban Forest

There is a new parking lot on Hwy 1010 near the Welcome to Rockaway Beach sign as you enter town from the South. There is a board walk that will take you to a large platform for wildlife viewing. Along the way, you can exit the boardwalk and take a trail about 1/2 mile to an ancient ‘champion’ cedar which is 154 feet tall, 49 feet around, and has a crown spread of 756 points making it the state champion. Wear shoes that can handle mud!



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