New to Houfy? Many Questions? Where do I start?

We currently have a rental on VRBO, a website of our own, and a Facebook page. We have recently heard of Houfy. Please explain what I need to do to list on houfy and how it works.

1) To list your property on Houfy go to here and copy/paste the data from VRBO onto Houfy (It's quick if you use 2 tabs or 2 browsers)

2) Sync your calendars

3) Verify yourself at edit listing > verifications

4) Consider accept credit card payments by using Stripe or Square (Houfy recommends Stripe). Create an account with one of these payment processors. Once created connect them to Houfy. This process is very simple - click here.

5) Consider adding Houfy Widgets to your website.

Other Frequently Asked Questions:

Why should I use Houfy?

In a word, cost. Houfy allows you to accept reservations at a much lower cost than the likes of AirBnB, VRBO and Booking .com.

Do I need a website?

That’s certainly an option. You could add Houfy's widgets to it to manage the pricing, reservation and calendar elements.

However you have additional costs to consider, site build and management, hosting fees etc. And if you want it to rank (get found in Google searches) you will have to pay for that.

The beauty of Houfy is that it allows you to have a many of the elements of a website without the additional cost.

Do I just need Houfy?

Probably not. The main platforms are well known and people go to them first. But they are expensive to use by comparison. Direct bookings will earn you more money. Houfy doesn’t take commission so if your guests book through Houfy you get more of the money.

How will people find Houfy?

By you promoting it. If you market yourself on social media or local advertising. Send them to your Houfy listing to make a reservation.

As more hosts do this Houfy will become more well known.

Houfy does not replace the need for you to promote and market your business.

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