I received a Houfy booking but it did not update on my VRBO calendar.

Please make sure you have your Houfy calendar synced into VRBO

Log into Houfy and select Menu > Manage Listings.

  1. Select calendar of the listing you wish to export
  2. Click Export calendar and copy the url (Select only Houfy reservations)

Log into VRBO and go to owner dashboard.

  1. Select the property to sync > Select Manage > Select Calendar at the drop down menu
  2. Click on the up/down arrows on the right side > Select Import Calendar
  3. Paste the FULL HOUFY URL in the pop up
How often does your VRBO or Airbnb calendar sync? VRBO and AIRBNB calendars usually take a few hours to update. Airbnb usually within 2 hours and VRBO up to 6 hours. There's a chance that a guest could book on one platform, and another guest could book the same dates on another platform in the time it takes for your calendar to update. To avoid problems you can always "hard sync" on Houfy and on Airbnb.

To find out how to "hard" sync, click here

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