Is there a way to add a video to my Houfy listing?

Create a "Houfy collection": Collections provide a helpful way to group related posts and or stories together (in this case videos), and to quickly inform readers what the posts & stories are about. Collections make it easier for people to find content in a grouped form.

  • Log in > + > Create a Collection

Name the Collection, add a description, picture, location etc. You can always edit/remove the collection

  • Write a Story and add as many urls as you wish. (A story is much more than a simple post; you can embed multiple url's as well as add highlights and change formats)
  • Post the story to the Houfeed
  • After posting, Bookmark the post or story to the "video" collection you made earlier
  • Last step: add the collection to your listing(s): Menu > Collections > Select the collection > edit > add your listing

Preview your listing and your guide should show with the post(s) or story(s) in there

You can make collections about anything: Activities - Events - Restaurants - Weather - Video's etc. Think what you would like to know when you visit a place. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a perfect set of collections (recommendations) from the owner ready for you to explore.

At Houfy you can easily edit the collections, posts and stories whenever you want. Try something new at Houfy and have look at some popular collections to give you ideas.

If you have more questions, please join our facebook member group

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