How to import a newly added listing from Ownerrez into Houfy

This post explains how to import a newly added listing from ownerrez channel manager into Houfy:

If you add new listing at OR and want it to be imported also at Houfy, please follow these steps below.

1. Right menu -> Manage Listings -> Connections

2. Click on "Did you add more listings at the channel manager? Pull into Houfy".

Once you click pull into Houfy, you can see you Ownerrez account id, click continue.

3. Once you continue, you newly added listings gets imported, but you still need to do mapping of listings for them, by creating a new listing.

Select create a new listing option and click Create a new listing

4. Select your sync settings for each listing.

  • a. Listing basic information: Overview about property, room details, location, amenities, suitability, activities, etc.
  • b. Listing rates: Pricing import from OwnerRez to Houfy
  • c. Listing availability: Listing availability import from OwnerRez to Houfy

If you have more questions, please join our facebook member group

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