How long does it take to get refunded by Square or Stripe?

My booking has been cancelled by the host but I have not been refunded. Please advise when my deposit will be refunded?

For Square connected accounts on Houfy the proces takes: 2-7 business days

The Square full refund time frame typically takes 2-7 business days. Once the refund is processed by the host and sent to the guest's card issuing bank, it can take another 2-7 business days (depending on the bank's processing speeds) for the refund to post to the guest's account.

For Stripe connected accounts on Houfy the proces takes: approximately 5-10 business days

After the host initiates a refund, Stripe submits refund requests the guest's bank or card issuer. The guest sees the refund as a credit approximately 5-10 business days later, depending upon the bank.

Houfy is not part of the transaction and does not hold any funds from guests or hosts.
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