A few important reminders to help you make your stay wonderful.

Congratulations! You’ve made your reservation! You’ve selected the dates, the location, and people you wish to travel with for your next getaway! Now just count the days until you will be relaxing and getting away from it all, right?

Well, we do want you to enjoy a countdown to the big launch day, but preparation doesn’t end when you receive your booking confirmation. No matter how you’ve made your reservation, there are a few additional items for you to consider to make sure your vacation happens without a hitch.

You've Made Your Reservation...Now What?
  • CONSIDER INSURANCE - Before you make your final payment, decide if you would like to purchase travel insurance. Things can go wrong, and sometimes plans must change. Travel insurance is an affordable option many guests feel more protected by. Consider the length and cost of your trip and how much risk you are willing to take when Murphy’s Law strikes again. We recommend that if you would like your next vacation to be protected, review and select the best plan for peace of mind at www.InsureMyTrip.com.
  • FOLLOW US - Visit HouFY.com and follow us at https://www.houfy.com/tinaschmidt/home. You will be able to read our travel guides for the area where you have booked your stay. Follow us on Facebook at “Dreams Come True Vacation Rental of Cape May Beach NJ” and/or “Clover's Cottage Vacation Rental” where we post discount sales, interesting information, photos and more.
You've Made Your Reservation...Now What?
  • WATCH YOUR EMAIL - We will communicate with you via the email address that you provided to us. We will send you an email confirmation and welcome shortly after you make your reservation. It will also outline any additional documentation that will be required to make your reservation “check-in ready”, such as guest contact information, state-issued identification and security deposit payment reminder. Additionally, we will share a link to our HouFY Guides. Once your reservation is “check-in ready” we will email you access codes, and detailed check-in information.
  • NOTE IMPORTANT DATES - Upon reservation, your “final payment date” is provided to you. Please make a note of it. Final payment for your stay AND security deposit is due at least 60 days prior to your reservation start date. If you booked directly with us (thank you), note that you have the option to make the payment as soon as you would like to be sure you won’t miss the 60 day deadline.
You've Made Your Reservation...Now What?
  • REVIEW THE DOCUMENTATION AGAIN - Two weeks before your stay, review the rental agreement and our emails one more time, making a note of the rules, important information and suggestions we make. Scrambling for the street address of your destination at the moment you are trying to leave the house will always create unneeded worry and stress. Leaving with a car packed as tight as sardines might be avoided if you are know ahead of time about our amenities and optional services.
  • PLAN AHEAD FOR YOUR NEXT TRIP! - It is always more fun to have a trip booked and another one or two in the planning stages at all times. Whether it is a far-away destination or a nearby weekend getaway, work, life and the daily grind are a little sunnier when you know you have plans for something special ahead of you as well.

As always, thank you for being our guest. Follow us on Houfy.com to see all the greatest travel tips and tricks in our neck of the woods! https://www.houfy.com/tinaschmidt/home.

Safe Travels,

Tina and Andrew

You've Made Your Reservation...Now What?
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Dreams Come True Cottage

3 Bedrooms  2 Bathrooms
4.52IconIconIconIconIcon33 reviews

Clover's Cottage

3 Bedrooms  1.5 Bathrooms
4.7IconIconIconIconIcon40 reviews
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