Instructions for sending a quote with a payment link to a guest through Houfy

Step 1: Add a booking at your calendar. Menu > Manage Listings > Calendar > click on add Booking - select the dates your guest wishes to reserve.

Click on take payments through Houfy & assign Guest.

Instructions for sending a quote with a payment link to a guest through Houfy

Step 2: Edit the quote or scroll down.. (You can add discounts/remove fees etc)

Instructions for sending a quote with a payment link to a guest through Houfy

Step 3: Enter the e-mail address of your guest and click continue.

Instructions for sending a quote with a payment link to a guest through Houfy

Houfy will search for the e-mail and check if the guest is already in the database.

The guest will be required to log in or sign up and will be forwarded to a url where the guest can pay for the reservation.

Thanks T & S

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