I'm blocking dates on Airbnb but they do not show on Houfy?

Please make sure you have your Airbnb calendar synced into Houfy.

Log into Airbnb.

To export the Airbnb calendar:

  1. On airbnb.com go to Host and select Listings > Select Listing
  2. Select Calendar and Click Availability settings
  3. Scroll down to Sync calendars, select Export Calendar and copy URL.
  4. Paste the Airbnb URL into the Calendar address (URL) field at Import at Houfy.
  5. Name your calendar. (Airbnb)
  6. Click Import calendar.

Log into Houfy.

To import a calendar into Houfy:

  1. Menu and select Manage Listings.
  2. Select calendar of the listing you wish to update
  3. Click Import calendar
  4. Paste the copied Airbnb Calendar URL
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