Scheduled messages for the reservations

How to create a scheduled message on Houfy

Right menu > Messages > Scheduled messages

To create a new scheduled message, please provide the following information:

  • Name: A simple identifier for the message.
  • Message: The actual text of the message you wish to send to your guests. You can use various shortcodes for writing scheduled messages, including:
    • {{guest_first_name}}: The guest's first name
    • {{guest_last_name}}: The guest's last name
    • {{check_in_date}}: The check-in date of the reservation (e.g., "Fri, Jan 28")
    • {{check_out_date}}: The checkout date of the reservation (e.g., "Sun, Jan 30")

There are numerous other shortcodes available; please refer to the page to view all available options.

  • Listings: Select the listings for which you want to schedule messages.
  • Scheduling action: Choose from various scheduling actions, including:
    • Booking confirmed
    • Check-in
    • Check-out
    • During stay
    • Second payment due date
  • When to send: This option is only available for the "Booking confirmed" action.
  • Day: Specify the number of days before or after the scheduling action (e.g., 3 days before check-in, 2 days after checkout, on the day of check-out, etc.).
  • Time: Set the time for the message.
  • Timezone: Choose the timezone for the message.
  • Attachments: If necessary, you can attach files or images to the message.

Please note that the scheduled message is sent only for the bookings which are confirmed or marked as confirmed.

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