My Houfy calendar shows dates blocked. How do I open them up?

Go to edit listing and select Calendar. Select a date where your calendar is blocked and click on the colored bar. Review the source on the left side.

  1. You might have created a block. Remove by scrolling down in the left side and click remove.
  2. At calendar, scroll all the way down and remove the cut off date or set the date for a future date.

Menu > Manage Listings > Calendar > Booking Cut Off Date

What is the booking cut-off date?

This is the furthest date in the future that you want to accept bookings

By leaving this date blank you'll have the option to accept a booking at any future date

This means you're taking responsibility to keep your rates up-to-date. (e.g. with a Base Rate set high enough that you won't be disappointed if someone inquires to book a high season date far in the future that you haven't updated)

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