How to use the favorites list on Houfy

One of the best parts of planning a vacation, is choosing where to stay! The favorites list feature helps you organize lists for all of your upcoming trips. You can also share these lists with your friends and family.

Create a favorite list

When you find a property you want to save, just click the heart icon on the listing, or follow these steps:

  1. Menu > Favorites
  2. Click Create a favorite list
  3. Give your list a name such as "Summer trip to Paris"
  4. Save
Save a property to an existing favorite list
  1. Find a property you want to save.
  2. Click the property's heart icon
  3. Click on the heart next to one or more of your lists
Share a favorite list

When it's time to share your list with family and friends:

  1. Menu > Favorites
  2. Click the list you'd like to share
  3. Copy and paste the browser url
  4. The recipient will be able to view the list without creating an account 
Remove a property from a favorite list
  1. Menu > Favorites
  2. Select and click the favorites list you want to edit
  3. Click the heart on the property you'd like to remove
Delete a favorite list
  1. Menu > Favorites
  2. Find the list you want to delete
  3. Click the "X" in the top right of the image
  4. Click Yes to delete

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